Amorphous Hotel is an ever-changing virtual hotel that discusses the relationship between human needs and site.
Our surroundings are full of sensory cue are such as odour, colour, arrangement, etc. These elements have succeeded in speaking to us, in their peculiar abstract language, of the important themes of our lives. Are white sheets really white? Why is aroma related to class? How does the classification of tableware reflect an alternative imagination of interpersonal relationships? Please explore the Amorphous Hotel to find out more.
The content of Amorphous Hotel was inspired by the artist residency of Kelly Chu Wing Lam and Echo Hui Gi Wai at Eaton HK. They observed that the different arrangements of details in the hotel response to what our heart desires.
Amorphous Hotel是一間不斷變形的虛擬酒店,它討論人的需求與場所之間穩藏著的關係。
我們日常身處的場所中的氣味、顏色、排列等與感官有關的元素,都能以抽象的方式反映我們生命中某些重要的主題。白色的床單真的是白色嗎?香薰為什麼與階級有關?食具的分類又如何反映中一種對人際關係的另類想像?請四周探索Amorphous Hotel不同角落尋找答案。
Amorphous Hotel的內容啓發自藝術家 Kelly Chu Wing Lam和 Echo Hui Gi Wai 在Eaton HK 進行藝術駐留期間,觀察到酒店內不同的細節安排如何與我們內心渴望的事物呼應。
Eaton HK
Tomorrow Maybe